We've all seen the Segway Personal Transporter which caused overweight mall and college campus security personnel everywhere to rejoice because they no longer had to rely on their own physical fitness. Now, they could grab that extra donut, jump on their George Jetson contraption, and zip off to catch the bad guy.
Well, what if you wanted something a little bit more secure...something enclosed perhaps... well I would like to introduce you to the Personal Electric Vehicle(PEV). No more $4.00+/gallon gas for you! Just grab your extension cord and you are off...zipping down the highway at 70mph! They are considered motorcycles in the U.S. and you can actually drive the thing on the highway...if you're not concerned about your life.
But wait, there's more! Unlike the Segway, the PEV offers a spacious(?) trunk for all of your parcels. All that AND the supercool bubble look that all your friends will be envious of- what more could a girl ask for?!
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