I am starting to seriously doubt Domino. I have been a subscriber since the magazine began [yeah that's right, charter subscriber baby!] but lately, I have been less than wowed with many of their pages. First came this. And now, their December 2008 issue features a room that, quite frankly, looks like a catholic school girl threw up all over the couch, plus a little bit on the lampshades.

Now I understand the room is supposed to transform a "summer room" into a "winter room" but a. does that have to include tartan plaid? b. couldn't you switch out the zebra rug that only makes you dizzy when combined with the tartan plaid and c. why not remove the CORAL [read tropical beaches] from the corner book shelves?! Oye Vey.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not a complete tartan hater. I believe that if used sparingly and tastefully it can be good. Not that I've seen this, but I am hopeful that it can in fact be done. Somewhere.
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