The first time I saw this sign for Mark Ellmore's congressional race in Virginia I did a double take. The sign bears a striking resemblance to that of Jerry Kilgore who ran for Governor of Virginia just 3 years ago. Ok, it is absolutely IDENTICAL. Both of their names even end in "ore."

I understand that those who design for political campaigns often "recycle" the layout for a mailer etc. However, if you're going to make your logo completely identical here are a
few suggestions:
1. Recycle a sign/logo that hasn't been used IN THAT GEOGRAPHICAL AREA in at least 2 major political cycles [city council doesn't count].
2. Perhaps change the color or use a design that isn't so drastically different from the "norm" [aka blue, white, red...you know...patriotic colors]
3. Use a design that actually worked. Don't choose a design that didn't even work the first time around. If you want to connect yourself to someone, why not hook yourself to a winning campaign?
I apologize for the small Kilgore example. Apparently, the campaign stripped the internet of all evidence that he ever ran for Governor following the campaign.
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